Friday, November 18, 2011

Does tae kwon do help in a street fight?

I always get into fights I can't handel there always street fights and I dont start them they come to me is tae kwon doe gonna help for street fights?

Does tae kwon do help in a street fight?
Of course. It's more self-defense oriented.

Try running your mouth a little less and perhaps the fights won't come looking for you.

But neither will most other martial arts.

They're not *supposed* to work for a street fight.

They do work well within their own context-- whether it be competition, spiritual, or self-defense. But most martial arts won't work for street fighting-- because that's not what they were intended for.

And, fights don't "just happen." To get into a fight with someone else, you would have to

1) deliberately go to places where fights are likely to happen. Or, hang out with people who are likely to fight.

2) be a real prick and tick someone off badly enough for them to react.

3) then *engage* them in that fight. ie., STAY there and try to duke it out instead of escaping. Very bad idea.

There's an old saying espoused often on the website I posted below, and it's very true:

"It takes two to fight." There is no "good guy" in a street fight, and cops know this.

You sound pretty young... if you're still in school, know that you can and will be expelled for fighting. (That won't look good on job resumes or college applications, by the way.) Once you enter the adult world, you are very likely to end up dead or in prison if you continue to get into fights.

Read this page and you'll see more of what I'm talkin' about.

For more on street fighting, see this page:
Reply:I would have to say that any knowledge of fighting and defense would help in a street fight. Just remember the old saying, "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight!"
Reply:I get to fight a few times a week, I am a bouncer at several clubs and I have to say 99.9% of the time there will be no time or space to get off high flying kicks, I use my BJJ chocks and locks most of the time to escort people out of the clubs and also when ingaged in a fight, also judo comes in very handy, not many people are ready to be grabed and thrown down. If your looking to learn to defend your self in every day events Krav ma ga is also excellant!
Reply:i have been in TKD (Tea kwon do, judo kwan style, hope i spelled it right) for seven years, i have to say some of it is good for a street fight. Most of it is not; one is not going to try to do a jumping turn back side kick in a real fight, probably a turn back side kick (if your fast).what TKD lacks is practical hand techniques and grappling. What TKD has is the best kicks in the world, the kicks can hit hard and they are faster than Muy tai kicks.why do i say that, Muy tai kicks w/ the shin and they try to lay one out w/ one kick. TKD sets up kicks and takes kicks w/ the top of the foot. From what i noticed, from experience, is that TKD kicks work with the leg muscles using a snapping motion (were the power comes from) in the kicks. Muy Tai kinda just swings it out there, trying to plow one over . over all, Muy tai is more wheel rounded and better for a real fight. if i had to pick one style it would be judo or i'd go to a place that does krav maga. An MMA gym would also be vary vary effective in a street fight.

- some body correct me if i'm wrong, but i'm sure i'm not.

- hope i helped :)
Reply:if you pratice hard ya its good for street fight and it depen what belt you you have to black to defend your self in tae kwon do
Reply:somtimes it does sumtimes it doesnt but what u got to do is

dont fight back, block their movies or dodge it and dont harm them and usualy ppl wouldnt come after u

i had the same problem
Reply:Training in any martial art will increase your speed, reflexes and stuffs like this. It will most probably of some help. But the best is still training with your basketball team or track and field teams. Their training packs more power for running away and avoiding a fight.

Running away is not the way of a coward, It's the way to ensure that you haven't lose.
Reply:absolutely Yes!

In the practice of Tae Kwon Do you learn drills and skills, kicks,punch, and blocks.

You also learn to do patterns or forms or poomses

the purpose of these patterns is so one can defend themselves against various attackers in different directions

If you train and practice everyday you should be able to defend yourself and KO your opponent.

BUT, you must remember that within this discipline comes the art of patience and self control. so if you can walk away from a fight this prooves that you are mastering the art.
Reply:Somewhat, yes. As with most martial arts, some of the training with be of use in a real street fight. No, telegraphed high kicks may not be the best option, but evasion, endurance, speed, and hand techniques are all benefits of training in Tae Kwan Do.

Remember, TKD stylists react faster than any other martial artists.
Reply:Tae kwon do will definitely improve your odds at recieving

the beating of your life, not to mention making an **** of

yourself in front of your friends!!!
Reply:First of all, I don't believe that you don't do something to start them or at least egg it on.

That is bull.

But to answer your question, TKD is only good enough to get your butt kicked, unless the guy you are fighting is called "Erkel".

Boxing and Judo or Jiu Jitsu is the way to go. Boxing for standup and Judo or Jiu Jitsu to make them pay on the ground.
Reply:Hi. My name is Jasen T. Davis. I have studied martial arts for nearly 18 years.

My first art was Tae Kwon Do. I have a master red belt (which is the last belt before a black belt) from Pomona Tae Kwon Do under Master Dae Woong Chung.

I quit Tae Kwon Do after I got into a streetfight. How's that for answering your question? LOL!

There are serveral rules in a streetfight.

1) Don't fight. You'll go to jail.

2) Don't turn your back on an opponent.

3) Don't kick above the waist.

4) Well, don't kick at all.

5) Some fights end up on the ground.

Sadly, TKD breaks rules 2, 3 and 4. It will also not prepare you for 5. The hand techniques in TKD are also not very effective.

TKD is great exercise and is a good sport. I still practice. But there are better arts to learn to fight.

Here is what you sould do:

Go learn Brazillian Ju Jitsu, or some sort of wrestling art. They are rather popular, and although you should never fight on the ground, the experience will prove invaluable should your opponent not be so enlightened.

After that, go learn boxing. It's hard work, but after a year you will be pretty good. Hitting an opponent with a closed fist in the face is not very smart, but the movements of boxing...shedding, slipping, etc. will be very valuable for avoiding damage and keeping your cool if you are hit in the face. Plus, an uppercut to the solar plexus will stop most people.

Finally, learn Aikido. It takes a long time, but even the basics are great for avoiding violence and knocking people down if they try to hit or hurt you. The philosophy will also make you a better person, although you seem like a nice enough guy right now. After a year or two in Aikido you'll have a good foundation. Hell, get a black belt and do work as a bouncer.

Don't fight. If you are fighting you are part of the problem. Martial arts will help you beat your own ego. Your worst opponent is yourself. Fighting leads to prison, lawsuits, hospitals and maybe the morgue. You'll at least spend a night in jail for fighting.

Good luck! You can contact me at if you have any other questions.

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