Sunday, April 26, 2009

Has anyone ever heard or witnessed this fighting style? martial art or street fight skill?

Jailhouse rock a.k.a. 52 Hand Blocks, Jailhouse Shuffle

i know of references to it by wikipedia,the RZA (a rap group), and mike tyson, but has anyone else heard or seen this

Some examples of the many styles of JHR are 52 Hand Blocks, Comstock Style, San Quentin style, Mount Meg, 42nd and Closing Gates. Many of these styles of JHR are thought to have evolved regionally in different penal institutions.

I will add more info later from wikipedia

Has anyone ever heard or witnessed this fighting style? martial art or street fight skill?
Sorry never heard of it but I am going to read your information and the URL and see what I can find out. Thanks for the info.
Reply:The ol' jailhouse rock questions.

Whether or not it officially exists is a moot point for the simple fact that there are only so many different ways that a person can use their body to inflict harm on another person. The 'martial art' of jailhouse boxing would be nothing new.

To call is a martial art is insulting to anyone who practices legitimate martial arts. Just because someone, somewhere is trying to make money off of a systematic approach to brawling does not make it a legitimate martial art.

At its very best, the rumor of jailhouse rock could be called a mutation of boxing. From what I have heard people say about the 'style', it has very little in the way of a scientific approach to fighting. It's brawling. Plain and simple.

To me, that does not describe a martial art or a fighting skill. It would be like calling two cats fighting a martial art.
Reply:no i haven't but i'll read up about it
Reply:I've heard of it, my impression of it is it's a dirty version of boxing where elbows and knees as well as headbutts, stepping on foot, thumb in eye and holding are utilized along with some wrestling. If I remember correctly, Mel Gibson's hit film the first "Lethal Weapon" mov1e listed the fighting styles featured in the film as Capoeira, Brazilian Jujitsu and Jailhouse Rock in the ending credits.


If you saw a couple in the street fighting..?

ie. a man and a women would you stop to help calm it down or walk by and not get involved

If you saw a couple in the street fighting..?
I'll call the police
Reply:I'd pull up a chair, order some beer and nachos and watch the full 15 rounds!
Reply:It's usually me and the gf fighting, and no one ever stops to break us up!
Reply:If it's just arguing I would walk away but if it was a physical fight I would step in. Men shouldn't be beating on women EVER!
Reply:id find a group of boys to sort it out/ring the police-im only 5 foot so they would never listen to me!!! but i would definately not do nothing!
Reply:I'd get away from there. And then if it looked like someone was getting hurt, would use my cell phone to call 911.
Reply:Depends on whether the woman is looking for help. I never get involved in domestics.
Reply:Go Sawman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ; )
Reply:it would depend on how violent it was becoming...and if was escalating i would either call the cops or intervene if i was afraid one was going to get hurt...
Reply:If it was physical, i would probably call the police, if it was verbal, i would walk away. It's no ones business to stop unless there is physical fighting or threats made.
Reply:i tried to stop it before and the women started on me so it would realy depend on circumstances but in general i would it takes a coward of a man to beat a woman
Reply:As a Social Worker, I would recommend first priority "Never get into a middle of an on going domestic violence dispute. " Cause you self could get injured and hurt. I rather would get my cell phone out and from a distance call 911.
Reply:You can get very hurt if you get involved . That is what the police are for.
Reply:We did. And we ran towards them. He stopped his abuse (punching, shoving and kicking her)immediately and she picked up her purse and dusted it off as if she had just fallen.....and pretended that we didn't see what we saw. They went arm and arm down the block as if they were two lovebirds. But we know what we saw...and we were shocked enough to try to intervene.

So pitiful.
Reply:if she was giving as good as she got %26amp; built like some of the Chavs around here, i'd leave them to it.

get involved she'd probably turn on me!

but if it was a six-foot towering bully picking on a woman in distress, half his size, yes i'd get involved

i'd ring the Police %26amp; let them deal with it.
Reply:my dad stopped a guy hitting his gf, she smacked my dad one! i dont think he will bother in future, if it was physical i would call the old bill and not say anything if not, leave um to it.
Reply:as a door supervisor i would leave this couple alone as most times u get turned on for interferrin in there business ! walk by and inform the police
Reply:i woudl not get involed. they might both turn on you. best to mind your business unless things get physical, then i might step in .
Reply:I have been in this situation. Fortunately, I knew that there was a diner right down the street that always had cops hanging out there. I walked in and told them about it and they went straight over.

I work in a school and break up fights without thinking twice about it. But if a couple is fighting in the street, you don't know if one of them is armed and/or crazy. And who would you stop? If you hold the man back, it's equally likely that the woman will keep hitting him (or you), and vice-versa.
Reply:I dont think its a good idea to split up a couple if the are fighting as they may turn the fight around and you could become the victim.

the world has become such a place that nobody wants to get involved because of reprisals, so I would probably turn around and take the long way round to avoid any trouble as sad as that seems it is part of living in the modern world.
Reply:if it's really severe or I am scared for someone's safety I would call the police.

If there is immediate danger to one of the people i may step in.

Otherwise, I will walk by. It's sad, but you are unlikely to change their relationship, especially if they are already ok with making a scene in public.
Reply:My ex and I tried to help a girl that was getting beat by her man at the train stop. In the end she went home with him. I'd probably try again but if she's not yelling help or whatnot, then I dunno.
Reply:From experience, I can tell you most would do nothing to help.
Reply:I'd keep walking - none of my business is it!
Reply:Been in this situation and since it was a deserted quite dark alley I hesitated but then asked the woman if she was ok.

The man turned on me but his partner stopped him.

She actually thanked me, said everything was fine, but she was "grateful I'd asked, most people wouldn't have".

It did seems to quieten them down a little though.

My partner was furious with me when I told him, he said it was dangerous and I should have just walked past!!! I'm afraid I'm not that sort of person.

I just knew that if I were in the same situation I'd be thankful that someone was concerned, even if I was actually in control.
Reply:no i actually wouldn't, not my business and i wouldn't have any clue what they were fighting about, if i saw the guy hitting the girl or anything got too serious, i would definitely call 911 and break it up
Reply:♥ I'd leave it be unless it got physical...
Reply:Not get involved. I did once and ended up getting told by both parties to intercourse off. They also challenged my parentage. So, the lesson is if you are of a sensitive disposition, keep away from this sort of thing.
Reply:I'd leave them to it, but i would watch!!!
Reply:I'd call the police. I tried to intervene in that kind of a situation and got hit by both parties. This is why cell phones were invented.

What is the superior martial art for street fighting where everything goes?

No weapons.

What is the superior martial art for street fighting where everything goes?
Krav Maga
Reply:The monkey's banjo.
Reply:drunkin boxing, it uses an unpredictable style that is most effective on the street
Reply:It's really about just developing a person to their fullest and their own talent, whatevery path (art) they choose. Bruce Lee told his students, "I can only help you discover yourself."
Reply:thai boxing. guess it strikes at all the vital points to disable someone or even kill. drunken boxing make use of alchol to numb ur senses so that when being attacked the inpact felt will not be as much same for attacking u will be attacking at more power.
Reply:There is no "one" martial art. But if you are looking to defend yourself. A good start is Ju-Jitsu, its a ground style of fighting. You follow that up with some Muy-Thai and you will be a great all around fighter....
Reply:Senseis and champions I knew in a big city were practicing "quick draw" (with a gun) as the street survival art, and not to draw it unless you are probably going to use it. They advised to AVOID such situations with diplomacy, distraction, having buddies with you, and other street smarts.

If you yearn for some action, spar in the dojo or gym where your opponent is likely to have some honor and care for your well being.
Reply:Street fighting is ugly and nasty and rarely involves anything but punching, stomping and any other kind of weapons or attacks at close range often on the ground or while grappling. There is no one martial art is superior to another in an environment like this. Brute force and brutality are the key. Out of curiosity what is your fascination for anything goes street fighting? This is the second question you have posted relating to this.

It you are interested in self defense and want to learn a martial art, I would recommend Jiu-Jitsu. There are alot of useful techinques like wrist locks or other similar techniques that can be quickly used to get the upper hand and do some damage to allow you to either escape or either yell at the top of your lungs to attrack attention or make your attacker realize you are not an easy target.

You can never be beaten if they can't catch you, no other form of defense is as good as this when perfected!
Reply:Jeet Kune Do - The Way Of The Intercepting Fist, Bruce Lee's method considered the most effective fighting style ever.
Reply:Krav Maga is best for "anything goes"

Karate is in my biased opinion best for practical self defense. That is, if you don't want to kill them.
Reply:No such thing. It all comes down to the martial artist, not the particular martial art.
Reply:To-Shin Do, because you learn how to defend yourself in a real life situation while standing and grounfighting. For more info go to

What is the best site to watch street fighting? type in fights there are some really good ones.

What is the best site to watch street fighting?
eBaums world forum videos thread has a good fight thread. then go to forums and videos.
Reply:during elections
Reply:go to bronx!
Reply:if they have 1 backyard wrestling .com they are as hardcore as it gets

rubber slippers

What's BJJ's major weakness for street fighting??

NO martial art is perfect or 100% bullet proof! However what do you feel BJJ lacks. I take BJJ along with other martial arts and it has it's benefits! However I have noticed one major weakness.

BJJ take downs are weak compared to Judo, Greco-Roman wrestling and Free Style wrestling! Also BJJ spends most of it's time on the back. A attacker on top with decent punching ability can do a "pound IN ground" on the BJJ fighter. Plus if there were two attackers FORGET IT! The BJJ fighter would be done. Agree or Disagree????

What's BJJ's major weakness for street fighting??
3 main weaknesses

First, its assuming you are fighting 1 on 1. with multiple attackers its a bad idea to grapple 1 and go to the ground. His 2 friends are going to beat your skull in. At least in a stand up fight you can manuver and have a chance to fight them more 1 on 1.

Second, its also assuming that the opponent is not a bio hazard of disease and that its a good idea to touch him and stick you head near him.. blood borne diseases anyone? nothing like fighting with a guy that bites and you don't wrestle on the ground without scrapes... Just lots of ways that you could get stuff.

Third, the size and strenght of your opponent makes a big difference if you are attaching yourself to his body mass.

Judo / akido uses the opponents mass better in most instances and the striking arts have less impact on the size of the person you fight.

BJJ just wanting to wrap people up is great for 1 on 1 nonlethal combat with people that are clean. The origin's of that art however had a ton of weapon stuff and strikes in it but it all has been changed and BJJ is great for ring fights.

You want a system that focuses on multiple attackers? take Kenpo
Reply:You are right. Well, what BJJ might lack is sobriety isn asserting a life threatening situation? I think a good martial art shouldn't teach you just fighting. It should also teach you when not to, right? Although i know very slightly about BJJ, considering that it is used mostly in the mixed arena, i think the above might be one of the pitfalls.
Reply:someone who bites, and head butts.
Reply:Also for street fighting, if your fighting on the groud your quite vaunrable to hits from others. while your trying to choke someone up, someone might be kicking the **** out of you who is standing up.
Reply:1- no, no martial art is effective and none except kevlar fu is bullet proof.

2- bjj that is seen in sports is not the entire system. there are techniques not typically used in sportative forums that are still part of the system.

3- no argument on the comparison of takedown ability between a bjj and the "wrestling 3". judo- it depends how you train. same with wresling styles- however, like when I talk about other arts, it is important to remember that we are still talking on AVERAGES not hard and fast rules.

4- no, bjj does not spend most of its time on its back, someone doesn't "pull guard" as a technique in combat.

Bjj does a significant amount of stand up grappling as well, thus in the event that one finds themselve on the str33t where there are land mines, boiling lava and broken glass everywhere, as well as the third rail of a subway, they won't need to worry about not being able to fight.

5- multiple attackers provides problems for any unarmed martial artist. Why is bjj any different. Do you really believe that a boxer would stand any better chance if all he did was go after one guy (like you are implying)? why do you think a stand up striker would change his tactics, but a bjj guy wouldn't? Are you implying that people who take bjj have below average intelligence and are unable to think with common sense? Actually that trait seems to be more exhibited among "chi" masters and students of ashida kim.

6- The "weaknesses" of bjj, is obviously a lack of striking, which is important, and as we have seen in recent MMA, it is not the pure striker or the pure grappler that has an advantage, it is the student who trains in BOTH. Thus the striker can avoid (sprawl, not the deadly "anti-grapple") a takedown or tackle and still remain on his feet or avoid bieng tied up and enable him to get back to a position where the advantage is his.

EDIT: yes, if you are on the ground you are vulnerable to attack from others- but like most "anti-bjj" arguments this works both ways and is dependant not on what style you study, but on how many friends you have with you and how many he has. It is more likely the guy with grappling and groundfighting experience (bjj or whatever) will be in a better position if the fight goes to the ground, thus what is to stop someone from jumping in and kicking the guy in the head who is in a gnp situation while the ground grappler has the better position of mount. actually the guy getting soccer kicked in the head is in a far more dangerous position from than getting sucker punched while in the mount.
Reply:i agree with you pretty much... no martial art is bullet proof etc,but BJJ in my opinion would not be half as effective outside of a ring or controlled street fights are very seldom 1 on 1 if ever!!

good in the ring,good techniques but not the be all and end all as the practioners think or the ufc shows ya.....

self defence is about what works for you,and how you control a situation....

for street fighting i would recommend maybe wing tsun
Reply:Seems like you answered your own question. In practical application I would never go to my back on purpose. But if you find yourself there you better know what to do
Reply:It's great for dry humping
Reply:HAHA WING STUNG....HOW FREAGIN STUPID....disagree....most of the dominate ground and pounders have great jj skills...which alow them to be dominate on the martial art is proven to work against multiple people....yeah the take downs are a little weak...they are effective but dont do damage...jj guys dont want to go to the back but they are trained to take minimal damage from their back...ive only seen 1 person get knocked out from guard...dont forget the fights u watch everyonr fighting has trained in should go to class in your area and ask to grapple with an experienced white belt....its just total domination if you have never trained for it
Reply:I do agree that BJJ lacks severely in the stand up game. There are no strikes in BJJ and the takedowns of a pure BJJ fighter are very limited compared to Judo and amateur wrestling.
Reply:i was playing around with my gf one day and put her in an armbar and she bit my leg
Reply:I'm going to disagree on some of your points.

1)Take-down comparison- BJJ is based off of Judo and shares many of the same throws and takedowns. However, these aren't practiced in the UFC due to talent of the competition and rule restrictions.

2) Ground and Pound- Few attackers have been successful in this in recent years as BJJ practitioners are trained to fight from their back as well as other positions. Reversals are much more common in which case the pounder ends up being mounted.

3) Striking- While strikes aren't emphasized they are present in the system mostly in terms of punches and a few judo style kicks that have carried over.

I do agree with you in regards to the multiple attacker argument. Due to limited range of strikes and their application the art suffers in multiple foe encounters. Also limited standing movement training limits mobility which really hurts in a multiple foe encounter.

Where can I go to fight for money in los angeles, just stright up street fighting? At this moment!?

Anywhere really.Just tell some guy he is about to get in a fight for the right to keep his wallet. :) it would probably be no more riskjy and illegal than a paid streetfight anyway, and will probably pay better.

Otherwise I'd say direct your enquires to your local gang area. Those members should be able to help you out.

Be prepared though to find yourself suddenly placed in a special 'boxers developement program' for a few years if you get caught, compliments of the state. You can do all the boxing you want in there.

You might even score an early retirement on a nice plot of land. 6ft x10 ft or so that is.

Where can I go to fight for money in los angeles, just stright up street fighting? At this moment!?
You can pay me to kick your a s s.

Have u ever been in a street fighting?

if you have when and tell me what happened?

Have u ever been in a street fighting?
This actually happened 17 days ago. I went to a bar and there were a lot of drunk people. I met my friends that are girls there. Some of the guys were very drunk and started to mess with them. I told them to stop and one of them threw a beer bottle at my head. I hit one in the jaw, hit another head on a near by table and was kicked out of the bar. Then the guys, just 3, came after us towards the parking lot. They started kicking me and punching me but i knocked 1 out cold, the other hit me hard face first into a pole which broke my nose, bruised my eye and was givin a pretty big lump on my head. Luckily my friend was on his way there and saw what was going on to help me out. He knocked 1 more guy out and the one guy left pulled a knife on me and stabbed my chest. I was out for 19 hours because of the hit to my head and blood loss.
Reply:yes, i blacked out after getting hit on the head with a pole. then i dont know but the next thing i knew parents picking me at hospital
Reply:yeah...a's myl ifestyle (not really,sarcasm,but i do a lot) and once i put the kind in the hospital
Reply:no. but i witnessed my boyfriend (at the time) in one and then he got arrested.

Reply:yea my b/f pulled me into one and i ended up with a broken foot arm and rib cage
Reply:yeah well this one guy was all like get off my grill(one of those wangsta dudes) and pushed me. i poped him in the head and he went down. then some of his friends started kicking me and i picked up a glass bottle and poped.... i cant tell you the rest its to graphic sorry pertty lady
Reply:yeah, outside my school. my friend beat up some guys little brother (little, but older then me and my friend) so the next day the older brother came down and then me and my friend just jumped him and i haven't seen him since
Reply:loads of them, drunken street fights are a great buzz as long as people don't use weapons or try to kill each other by jumping on each others heads, last one i was in i shattered my hand off someones head; my hand would be a lot sorer than his head and i ended up in plaster for weeks, it still hurts months later, that will learn me lol

Ww2 miniature field gun used in street fighting by the germans in defence of berlin. small 3 man gun.?

during the german defence of berlin in 1945, they used a tiny artillery field canon manned by 3 men. what was it, who made it, where can it be seen now..? what was its range, weight of shell, weight of gun.

Ww2 miniature field gun used in street fighting by the germans in defence of berlin. small 3 man gun.?
You could be thinking of a small pak. 75mm or the smaller 37mm.... But the smaller ones were not used towards the end of the war...What i think you are looking for is somthing of a light infanrty howitzer is a scale model of an example..These were small and put to good use in street to street fighting....There is one in the movie "The Pianist".
Reply:I think what you're looking at is a flak aa gun. They used them against tanks with mixed success because that's about the heaviest piece of artillery they had left.
Reply:it would fill this page and some to answer all your quest so go online!! It is true they were desperate and most probably used bows and arrows


Is kuk sool won good in street fighting?

i live in tulsa,oklahoma and i live around woodland hills which is a clean area but i have to go to owasso alot where everyone gets robbed and jumped

if you dont beleive me about tulsa being dangerous then explain the 46% increase in homicide

well anyways im just wondering if kuk sool won is good because i heard it contains some tae kwan do and has alot of mixtures with grapple throws and weapons

Is kuk sool won good in street fighting?
I've taken KSW, it really is just Hapkido. Supposely it was the "Royal martial arts" (Based on Hwarang warriors) but i find those stories alittle hard to swallow. It is a pretty good mix of self defense, with kicks, punches, joint locks and throws. But like everyone will tell you, its the person not the art. All the arts are good, what makes the difference is how hard the person trains/practice. It takes between 5 -6 years to become a black belt in KSW.
Reply:Kuk Sool is one of the 'original' martial art styles in Korea having been founded over 500 years ago. Tae Kwon Do was founded in 1950.

Almost all Korean styles of fighting emphasized strength and kicking and high jumps. Kuk Sool teaches sword fighting always using 'two swords'.

Kuk Sool is a good style for open terrain on dirt and soft ground while wearing boots or heavy work shoes.

Kuk Sool is a good out-door style and not an 'urban' style with crowds of people and tight environments (apartments, buildings, rooms, alleys, restaraunts, bars, etc.).
Reply:It all depends on the martial artist. I've seen some Kuk Sool Won people that couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag. I've seen other's that will hit you and lock you up before you know what's going on. It depends on how much you train and how dedicated you are.

In what order are these fighting styles most effective for street fighting?



Submission Grappling

Jiu Jitsu

In what order are these fighting styles most effective for street fighting?
In reality its down to the individual as all martial arts styles are tools to be used and its how you use them.......

But I'll name my choices :)



Submission Grappling


Best wishes :)
Reply:No rules or styles for street fighting, pick up the first thing you see and start swinging
Reply:You will only need boxing,if you can bang.
Reply:This is hard. All of these have their strengths and weaknesses. If I could, I'd choose a mixture of all four....but that's not what you asked.

So, keeping in the spirit of the question, my opinion (and keep in mind, this is only opinion) is as follows:

1) Jiu Jitsu. It's pretty tough to match someone who can take your best punches and redirect the energy until you wind up flat on your stomach with your arm out of its socket. If a practitioner also knows some atemi (strikes), it's even more effective. Traditional Jiu Jitsu, however, is pretty lousy at confronting multiple opponents....

2) Boxing. It keeps you off the ground. Being on the ground in a street fight is generally bad news. It also teaches you how to take a punch without throwing up. However, boxers tend to train as if their opponents will fight "by the book", and there really is no "book" in a street fight, so a boxer can be caught off guard.

3) Submission Grappling. While winding up on the ground in a fight is generally bad, understanding what to DO when you're on the ground is a good thing. However, grappling around with one guy tends to leave you open to getting stomped on by his drunk friend.

4) Kickboxing. Despite their undeniable potential devastation, there is generally no place in street fighting for elaborate kicks. It's too easy to have someone catch your leg and throw you off balance, thus putting you at a real disadvantage. I will admit, however, that there really is nothing better to FINISH a fight than a well-placed kick....but they just take so long to deliver that a good street fighter will hit you four times before you can connect with one kick.

Again...just my opinion. Others will have their own.
Reply:I have this question in a
Reply:Jiu Jitsu - method can be applied to fight against other fighting styles and it's very efficient in preserving energy by using the opponent's. And it would be useful to use against someone who threw drunken punches too.

Kickboxing - gives you that powerful kick and speed when you need it... I wouldn't suggest you kick if you get involved in a streetfight, unless you are down on the ground though... coz if you have that space to kick someone then that means you have enough room to run away.

Boxing - let's face it, most people on the street would throw punches... and well.. what can I say about boxing? PUNCH!!!

Submission Grappling - to me this is not as efficient unless you are down on the ground... while Jiu Jitsu covers all ground (standing up and on the ground), this grappling isn't that usefull. Plus if you learn other tricks (out of the above list), then you'd have more chances of being the one who stand instead of the one on the ground.
Reply:in a street fight its kinda tough to get a street fight you better just pick your target and tee off on em' a one on one fight, i could see jui jitsu being the only art that could help you-just take him to the ground and make him go to sleep or wrench his arm off! lol
Reply:Good luck trying to wrestle someone when its 3 on 1.

You've pretty much got the order correct right there.


Submission Grappling


its true
Reply:first of all sunmission grappling is the same thing as brazilian jiujitsu. the only difference is a wearing a gi or not. and people u fight always have some clothes on so either one is the most effective. and boxing and kick boxing are very close too, the only small difference is kicking or not. but grappling wins over striking 90 percent of the time, and thats already been proven. the 10 % strikers do win is usually when the grappler tries to strike with the striker and gets KOed.
Reply:Most masters of anything will lose a street fight but if you are being ganged up on than run if you dont have any fighting friends along w/ you but one on one Judo, Kenpo, and Sivot if you know it is and have really good balance
Reply:In a true street fight there is no style. There should be a blending of all know skills, boxing, kickboxing, and so on. Due to the randomness of the fights, you don't know what you might have to deal with. So each skill set will lend its self to different situations. The most important skill set to have when dealt a street fight is, the ability to disarm your opponent. If you are facing an armed opponent it changes the situation greatly.

There is however one skill that will work quite often, that is common sense. The ablity to end a fight before it starts is the greatest skill of all.

flip flop crafts

Where do i find free street fighting videos clips?

This site is pretty good if you want to see fights...

Where do i find free street fighting videos clips?
try here:

What is the best combat street fighting method that can be easily used by ordinary citizen??

While formal training is your best bet, there are a few tips that can help any untrained person survive and possibly escape an attack. Commit these tips to memory today.

If you're talking about how to protect yourself from attackers, here are some my tips.

1. It would definitely be an advantage to learn self-defense techniques that would not only empower you but also educate you on how to protect yourself if you encounter an attack and you'll be more aware of your surroundings. Self-defense classes are available from any local colleges, community centers and your local police department.

2. You can use your head in more ways than one. First, by knowing and following the rules (don't walk alone at night, and avoid dimly lit streets or unfamiliar neighborhoods). Second, use your head literally. You head is strong enough to deliver an incapacitating blow to your attacker's nose, jaw or collarbone.

3.You can use anything around you as a weapon. Any object around you can be used as a weapon. Ordinary objects can be turned into a life saving device if you know how to use them. (a pen, stick, or umbrella can be use to stab an attacker's body. hard objects like a book, a can of soup and even your laptop can be used by slamming it with force to an attackers forehead, knee, or ribcage.)

4. Carry a pepper spray and spray it on your attacker's eyes, this will temporarily blind them and will give you a chance to break free.

5. Don't be afraid to fight especially if their trying to take you or grab you to another location. NEVER LET THEM TAKE YOU TO ANOTHER LOCATION. Don't be afraid to bite, punch, kick shins and definitely kick their groins. Pull their hair and ears and poke their eyes. Remember your life is on the line hear and your only defense is yourself.

These are just some of my suggestions from what I've learned from the internet, and OPRAH. Please use your best judgement depending on your situation.

What is the best combat street fighting method that can be easily used by ordinary citizen??
hide and fight
Reply:1.ALWAYS maintain distance from the other party,i.e, don't fuse together,else you loose all control.

2.Keep your mouth closed(jaws together), so as NOT to have ur tongue between your teeth at any time.

3.If you have an ear-ring, chances are it'll get pulled out along with your ear skin(always seen it happening).

4.If you happen to fall down and you cannot get up again and the other party is still in action, keep your head covered(with hands or whatever).

5.Spectacles, watches tend to get broken or fall off somewhere yuou cant find 'em later.So remove them if you get a chance.

6.To stun the other person,attack him on his/her(HER!! LOL) lower chin with a punch.Attack on nose stuns as well, buys you a few seconds of time.

7.try NOT to get in fights in the first place.No need to prove u are macho, cause macho men can screw the other party with words alone.Also if u do enter a duel, and loose, ur a bigger looser u were when u had not started the fight at all.So save the energy for WORLD PEACE.

8.If the other party seems "tough to beat", somewhere else,provided, you'r the one at fault.

9.Dont make a video of it and post a link to it on ur homepage.

10.Do your part in bringing about world peace.I know a street fight cant contribute much, but it the mentality who we are.So best of luck!

What is the most effective street fighting move?

In a situation where somebody attacks you, what is the most useful kick, punch, or martial arts move?

What is the most effective street fighting move?
Ok, I'm gonna stop this one with one fell swoop. There is NO cure-all one move to win anything. Period. With that said, I can direct you along a path of finding a martial art that fits you:

Karate: Okinawan. Covers Percussion. Civil Art. Kara- meaning open or empty depending on translation. -te originally meant Chinese Hand but they later changed it to just hand after the Chinese were driven out. Derived from White Crane Kung Fu. Believes in hardening the body against strikes and striking hard is the key.

Kung Fu: External Chinese. Most cover percussion, projection, and armament, with a few covering immobilization as well. Usually either martial or civil art. There are SO many systems within the term kung fu that it is hard to describe this system effectively. To say the least the best Kung Fu I have seen was in Dallas, and was translated to the Water-Fire Kung Fu.

Aikido / Aiki-jujutsu: Japanese. Covers immobilization with slight touch on projection. Civil Art. Was originally derived from Nihongo Jujutsu or Japanese Jujutsu (honestly I hate that I have to specify WHICH jujutsu compared to Brazilian or American… as if you would get an French taco or Russian sushi). Aikido has sadly become one of the snobbiest “styles” out there and they insist that what they do would work in real combat, although only about 10% of EVERYONE who is involved with that system knows what they’re doing. Though I will admit those that do, can do some beautiful Aiki.

Judo: Japanese. Covers projection. Sport Art. Another derivative of Nihongo Jujutsu. A sport derived from the throwing system used in Japan’s combat. As with all sports, there are certain things that they threw out as “illegal moves” due to their effectiveness therefore making the “style” weaker.

Brazilian: Japanese origin. Covers a portion of Immobilization and Projection. Martial Sport. This “style” was made famous by the Gracie family after they were originally taught by a Japanese man who refused to show them any more than the grappling section of Jujutsu. So they concentrated on the art of ground fighting. Most people that do Brazilian are extremely competitive and aggressive in nature.

Taekwondo: Korean. Percussion. Sport Art. This is a primarily kicking “style” and is considered one of the most famous “styles” in use. Another system that is sport / competition based they rely heavily on flexible and fast legs. Originally a derivative from a certain school of Karate which name eludes me at this moment.

Krav Maga: Israeli. Um… Percussion? Military wannabe. I REALLY don’t suggest this system unless you’re looking for a Billy Blanks on steroids kinda feel. This system was built to teach the foot soldiers of Israel a quick, brutal and less than effective hand-to-hand fighting method in a matter of a week, so seriously, don’t bother.

Those Russian arts: Mainly knife junkies who think they know what they’re doing. More flashy than anything else, don’t fall for the hype.

Pilipino: Mostly Stick and knife, and they are not for the faint of heart, although not much art to the system, it seems those whom you can find who actually know what they’re doing are pretty good with a knife and stick but that’s it.

MMA: Mixed martial arts. Probably the worst thing that has ever happened to martial arts besides Krav maga. The concept of mixing martial arts is taking a system that is inferior and mixing it with another inferior system to hopefully make up for the gaps left by the other one. For example: Karate doesn’t have Immobilization, so lets throw in Aikido and Brazilian, and those don’t have projection so lets throw in Judo, and all of those don’t have armament so lets throw in Pilipino.

There are zillions of others that I’ve missed because in order to catch them all, I’d have to write a book, which is stupid, but here’s the names of a few so you can look them up: Savate, Kenpo, san shou, shuai-chiao, greco roman, freestyle, collegiate, praying mantis [tong long jut sow], semelia, dumog, chih tu hsi, kumitsuki waza, xiyumu, pancrase/pankration, shootfighting, submission style, hybrid wrestling, vale tudo, catch wrestling, sambo, naban, chiao ti, jiaoli, asura, dharanipata, pai chang, mall-krida, buno, nara, yuddah, and ssireum.

My honest and admittedly biased opinion is for an old fashioned Nihongo Jujutsu system. Here’s why… “no style has style” that term existed in Japan a good 400 years before Bruce Lee was born so don’t think that he came up with it. But honestly everything that is true martial arts including all 4 areas of combat as well all 4 ranges of combat existed there. True, its gonna be had as hell to find, but its worth it. I honestly can’t find any merit in ever going to another system ever because it would be a waste of my time. Let’s face it… I’ve been spoiled.

But when it comes to you, you gotta find what fits your taste best.

PS: Ninjas don’t exist. It's something that was started by the media to glorify a section of samurai called shinobika who were merely scouts and spies of mercenaries or armies. They didn't have special powers and they didn’t learn anything any different than the rest of the samurai they were just particularly good at that section of jujutsu.
Reply:This isn't an entirely fair move,to be honest. A person could attack in any number of ways,and one defence won't cover all....My best advice is to get yourself a book on Krav Maga,it's the best thing for street fighting.

Other than that,a strike to any soft tissue will work. eye gouges,striking the neck,the temples,the groin,even digging your fingers in under the coller bone.But knowing isn't enough.You should be able to assess an attack,and be able to react with the best counter.Hence,get the Krav Maga book,or even better,enroll in a few classes.

Lastly,don't be a fool.Try and de-escalate a situation before it comes to physical violence.

Is TDK the best fighting style of self defense for street fights?

i think its TDK

some people say that TDK is for loser and dont waste my time

and choose some other style,

but i think TDK is the best martial art out there

what do you think?

is there any better style?

give me your opinions

Is TDK the best fighting style of self defense for street fights?
Depends. In general I would say no (and I practice TKD). But if you find a school that will teach it as a self defense art, you might do okay. I don't mean style (WTF, ITF, ATA). I mean practical application. It's nice to know fancy kicks, but you need to know when not to use them. And it's not really all that great for multiple opponents. Few MA's are though in my opinion.

Personally, I found a school that taught TKD as a primary art, with a lot of Hapkido as a back up. So I feel a little better about the self defense aspect of my training. Not enough to screw with a gang of Hell's Angels, but a little better none the less.

And don't forget to try it if it's what YOU really want. It's not like you can't switch later if it doesn't work for you. It would at least get you started in a striking art, which could be better than nothing.

Best of luck to you.
Reply:I have done a few different styles I prefer wing chung it works well with street fighting and a lot less waste of energy
Reply:Gangster style is the best.. Just pull out a shooter an bang its all over
Reply:It's Tae Kwon Do or TKD, silly.

Anyway, what exactly is your definition of a street fight? The "street" is such an incredibly varied environment that you couldn't possibly say that any one style is going to be suited to all situations. That's why people who are serious about learning to be a good fighter practise more than one type of fighting.
Reply:No, TDK make blank CD %26amp; DVD's
Reply:It's okay in a staged or arranged fight.

When fights happen they happen spontaneously with no time, and often no room, to pick a stance.

Hit first with everything you've got and put your opponnent down, or at least make him think twice.
Reply:The best style of fighting is the less known. Lots of people know TDK that makes it more difficult becasuse you have competitors.
Reply:Martial arts and self defense is 2 different thing. The best self defense is using everything you have. If you just think like a TKD expert, you will be limiting your own self.

There is a better style, yet there's not really a name for it. If you need to run, you run faster. If you need to attack, you do it in all ways. If you need to defend, you stop all further aggressions. Your training is to prepare yourself for "it", your wisdom guild your appropriate "action" and you consider all this within the context of the situation of "now".

Lastly, your mind will get stronger if you do not narrow tunnelled it. TKD is great but you can be better by understanding "it" and not be limited by one style.
Reply:Well TKD primarily is only a striking art. And in a street situation you want to be well versed in other phases of combat. If for what ever reason you get taken off your feet. You want to be able to defend yourself from the ground. Or if they are multiple opponents you want to able to deal with these different situations. I train in Hapkido which covers all phases of combat. meaning it covers a little bit of everything so that you have understanding of how to deal with different things. just my informed opinion.
Reply:As usual I find myself in the minority here from the perspective that I have no real interest in testing out my martial arts training in street fights. I have witnessed many fights in my time and do not recall ever having seen someone win by virtue of their superior martial arts skills. I remember a so called Taekwondo champion getting his ear bitten off by a pissed off body builder in an argument over a parking space at a gym if that is any help. From you own personal perspective enjoy the style you are doing and make the most of it.

I practice Shotokan and have done Judo in the past. I have seen quite a few martial arts over they years and can honestly say that for each one I could beat many of them in a fight and probably just as many could beat me.
Reply:TKD is one of the worst styles
Reply:Not a chance.

TaeKwonDo is a sport, one that limits you to using your feet. While feet may be powerful weapons I do not advocate kicking above the waist because the kick may be caught.

There are many better styles. Wing Chun is a very effective and scientific fighting system that is able to defend against a large variety of styles if not all of them. That would be my first choice for a self defense art.
Reply:I would venture to say Muay Thai. Its a bit easier to learn and teaches you to fight from distance and close range. And it also require that you take punishment in training. To me the most important aspect of fighting is knowing how to take a punch or a kick. And respond accordingly. Muay Thai requires you to harden your body. Which immediately gives you an advantage over the majority of people in the world. Anyone can throw a punch. But very few can evade and counter with the 8 weapons at your disposal.
Reply:I've been taking TKD for almost a year now. I see it as a good martial art. My teachers, teach me self-defense because of my small size and that's one reason I signed up.
Reply:i like karate atm i find the kata slightly more interesting than tae kwan do but i like the fitness and crazy kicks of tkd i would never use either for self defense tho i was schooled in boxing and id use that but i do like karate and currently practice it (even tho i m looking for a better school)
Reply:Yes, I think Tilap Dala Kuot (TDK) is a good style of self defense for street fights : P I mean, what hot blooded heterosexual male in his right mind wouldn't run away from that if you try it on him, I know I would : D
Reply:no way . wing-chun,systema and even krav-maga are seriously more effective. put simply ,more complete systems containing strikes ,locks ,throws,arm breaks and more effective in modern urban combat where fights are won and lost at close quarters and multiple opponents
Reply:No. Anyone who thinks it is lives in cukoo land.

I trained in TKD up to 2nd Dan and its great fun as a sport, keeps you fit and builds confidence but it stops there.

It is a striking sport, very little defence and any attempts of grappling or locks are practiced in an unrealistic way. So unless your street fight consists of you starting it and punching or kicking someone first, your onto a loser (and if you start it your a loser anyway).

Dont get me wrong, its a good sport. For those who train in TKD and are still under the illusion that its the best (as I once was) go to at least 5 other styles Where you can learn grappling, locks and build a solid defence. You will soon see the holes in the TKD system.

Learn a Pushing Hands style where you can intergrate all the other styles you have learnt.

If you really want street self defence combine boxing with grappling or aikido. Never start a fight and talk your way out of as many as possible.

Good luck!

dress shoes

For one-on-one street fighting defense, would you train in Judo or Ju-Jitsu?

Judo originally derived from ju-jitsu, taking more of a sport approach, which means its not as in-depth as far as learning groundfighting techniques.

Neither discipline touches upon striking techniques. Judo will show you alot of takedowns, sweeps, throws, clinches, and how to fall and some groundfighting. Ju-jitsu will show you that and go more in-depth into groundfighting with joint manipulation, chokes, sleepers, cranks, and other submission techniques.

Against someone thats not trained in anything, either should be effective, but it also depends on the person who's executing the techniques. If you don't exercise, smoke, and have Big Macs for every meal, just knowing some judo or ju-jitsu may not help much in a fight.

For one-on-one street fighting defense, would you train in Judo or Ju-Jitsu?
Ju-Jitsu works for me.
Reply:Go with Judo. Ju-Jitsu is good for defense but Judo is based on Ju-Jitsu and incorporates much of the same ground defense into the martial art yet teaches you some other great techniques (most known for spectacular throwing techniques)
Reply:both work for street fighting...ju jitsu may have the best locks that can make you tap out but judo has its extreme throws that can break your bone.,
Reply:It depends on if you think you will be needing to defend yourself from one person or more, if more than one person, train in Judo, in which there is more emphasis on staying on one's feet as compared to Ju-Jitsu.
Reply:Definitely Jiu Jitsu..!!
Reply:I go for jiu-jitsu, more techniques to learn than judo.
Reply:i would go with PINCHE cabron, check out my super foot ! take pilates....pansy how about them 10 points??
Reply:Assuming you mean Japanese jujitsu (as opposed to Brazilian), I'd go with the jujitsu. It includes striking and breaking techniques that are absent in Judo. However, jujitsu is harder to learn--keep that in mind.
Reply:Good luck finding a 1v1 street fight -_-

What's the best street fighting martial arts???

Why is it considered the best???

What's the best street fighting martial arts???
the one? where you lay on your back, with your legs wide open, that invites your buddy to lay on top of you, so you can wrap your legs really tight around his hips, in that missionary sex position.
Reply:Gun fu

the art or using a gun
Reply:The best is CSD


because it teaches evadence first, then how to destroy your opponent gently. Ya know with the least amount of damage as he is human.

Thats why it is actually more usefull for law enforcement, you still have an opponent left. Mayb he was pretzeled a bit, but he is a ok. Alot of what we see is useless on the street unless you want a good prison stay. Just because you can win a fight on the streets does not equate to a good life. MA has alot to offer that is not just a fight.

not saying it's the best but it is good.
Reply:Krav Maga, judo, and Systema
Reply:Ok I'm not trying to be mean here but this needs to be said:

ok first off one question mark will do. Doing this ??? after a question is nothing but childish.

Second, there is no best martial art. Everyone needs to stop asking this question and do some research and find out what they like best for themselves.

Third, questions like this make me wish we either had active moderators or a "Beating a Dead Horse" button
Reply:Yea yea theres no best martial art everyone knows that but a damm good one for self defense is krav maga used by the isralei army.
Reply:id go with jiu jitsu since thats what i train and have been successful with but there really is no correct answer since 90% of people on the streets cant fight their way out of a wet paper sack

to all you dummies that keep answering stuff like "gun gu" (you know who you are) please try and stay out of the martial arts section
Reply:The question can't be answered because you provided no information about the person asking. If you want to know what is the best form of self defense for yourself, then you need to give a complete description of your mental and physical attributes and abilities. The most common element throughout the Martial Arts commmunity is the claim to be the best. The truth is that what works great for me might be lousy for you. I am 5ft 10inches, 160lbs, medium build, very strong, very fast for my age (55) and I have been studying for over 40 years. Learning as many styles as I can is good for me. A mixture of Kenpo, Jeet Kune Do and Judo is what worked best for me. Good luck in your research!
Reply:Krav Maga
Reply:Thumb up for hujass .

The one you happen to be training in at the time.The art doesn't make the fight the user does.
Reply:Those that train for the street, not the contest ring. The very blows which are banned in the ring win on the street. If you face me, and refrain from poking me in the eye, because it is a contest foul, and I poke yours, because the street has no foul, I win. Need I say more? Except, one blow rarely wins, it takes more than that.
Reply:Filipino Martial Arts, meaning Kali, Arnis, or Eskrima.

The reason these arts are better than most, if not all, other styles for the street, is that they cover more ranges of combat especially weapons. While some othe arts like Krav Maga, Sambo, Jujitsu, and other teach to defend against weapons, the Filipino arts contain the most dangerous weapon skills found in any given martial art systems. This is why the U.S. military, especially special forces, are at least taught the basics of the Filipino arts.

FMAs are also more complete than most other arts, teaching striking techniques that work both armed and empty-handed and are derived from karate and fencing, throwing and takedowns, joint-locking,some ground fighting via Dumog, Filipino wrestling, which is integrated into the systems, and both weapons training and defenses against weapons, especially against sticks and knives, the most likely weapons to encounter in 'the street.' Also note, while not necessarily covered in depth explicitly, the principles for disarming a stick or knife, which the Filipino Martial Arts excel at, can be applied to firearms, even though one should never try to disarm a gun unless they are sure their life is in danger.

Thus, these arts, all technically the same except for slight variances in geography and training methods, are the single best for 'street fighting,' something that most people should avoid at all costs.
Reply:Kimbo-Fu. ROFL.

Want proof? Check out for every single of of Kimbo's fights and training videos.. All free of course :P

How developed are your street-fighting and brawling skills?

What would it take to completely domiinate you in a brawl? Strength or some right punches in the wrong places?

Sorry, I know this question isn't beatuful but I thought it had "scope".

How developed are your street-fighting and brawling skills?
A well placed magnet on my head, and I'll be singing folk songs for the rest of the night.
Reply:You would NoT want to bump into me on a night in a Ally!
Reply:I'm generally not a fighter....but I know I could hold my own if I had to
Reply:Ah, back in the day they were good.....haven't had to try them out lately
Reply:I'm a brown belt in BJJ so you don't want to go to the ground with me, I'll dominate you.
Reply:I don't have a lot of skill, but I know a lof of hurtful and defensive techniques, plus I have the will power of iron. I could kick almost anybody's azz. If somebody with long arms could keep me from getting up close, that would be a huge disadvantage for me. But I am very strong with a low center of gravity. I could put a whomping on anybody!

My dad is a 4th degree black belt in Shotokan karate, and my brothers both studied for years. While I didn't practice it, I learned a lot from working at the dojo and at some of the tournaments.
Reply:It would have to be the "right" punches in the "right" places.

Even though I can see them coming and react to them, there are some that do get by and land in the right spot. Unfortunate for me, I have no "glass jaw" so therefore I end up with a few lumps...

Is that what you were looking for?
Reply:Well, being I grew up in the streets and know street fighting we would have a fight that would go on for a while, who would win? I don't know, but I would give you a really give fight. :)
Reply:It would have to be from behind....
Reply:My Body is a registered weapon.!
Reply:Well I've taken self-defense and I do know how to take a person down but to do it on a mat in a classroom and out on the street is two different things.
Reply:The only way would be if a gun is held to the head of someone I love. Otherwise I would tear to shreds anyone who came with mere strength and punches.
Reply:I could hurt you really badly if I had to
Reply:I think I could hold my own. I usually keep my "private" parts blocked or out of the way cause if I get hit there it usually takes me out, hit me in the face all you want.
Reply:With 9 Blackbelts, i would have to say that whoever crosses that path with me would pay dearly, regardless of where or when we should "Tango".......LOL
Reply:I've never been in a fight but I've been to karate class a couple of times, but I'm not strong, so I guess I would get beat up pretty easily
Reply:Not at all...but if push came to shove I could handle myself.
Reply:I would lose I would think cause I can't even punch but I could sit on them maybe that would hurt! HA HA HA!!!!!!!!
Reply:No one could dominate me if a released a lethal bean burrito fart!
Reply:Undeveloped. I would walk away or lose.

Baby Teeth

The streets of this town are a little too sleepy for a "Street Fighting Man."?


Great Rolling Stones song, by the way!

The streets of this town are a little too sleepy for a "Street Fighting Man."?
punching pavement hurts.

sheesh. kids these days...
Reply:Is that a song or something?

What's a good street fighting style to learn?

I like to use a lot of take downs like leg sweeps. My idea is to throw a few blows to the face and/or gut them do a takedown.

What's a good street fighting style to learn?
Rickson Gracie is a 7th Degree Black Belt Open Class Champion of the Gracie Family, whose technique is considered to be the finest expression of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu in the world. His innate talent and early mastery of the sport have resulted in an impeccable undefeated record in more than 400 fights, including Jiu-Jitsu tournaments, free-style wrestling, Sambo, open weight free-style competitions, and no holds barred challenge matches. So i's have to say Gracie Jiu-jitsu
Reply:Savate Street Fighting
Reply:kung fu
Reply:wow i seriously recommend jeet kune do for you. jeet kune do is bruce lee's martial art. its basically his own style of kung fu with martial arts such as wing chun, boxing, muay thai, savate, kali, judo/jujitsu, and other stuff mixed in. its meant for the streets. more practical than mma. one speciality of jeet kune do is trapping and punching up really close. then they teach you grappling and takedowns from there if u need it.
Reply:i have never heard of street fighting style street fighting is no rules so if i was in a street fight i would basically use any weapon around me
Reply:prolly judo if thats what u like doing i had a judo guy in one of the old clubs i went to and he always used sweeps to get people on the ground
Reply:Kajukenbo, look it up on the web!
Reply:Keichu Do.Its for self defense.
Reply:I have to agree with Ray H. look it up.

Any tips on street fighting?

First off im also one to say that fighting is not always the right answer and way to go if you can talk your way out or back down that is the way to go but thier are times you must do what you half to and you dont always want to back down from a fight too beacouse people will see this and think your scared or week and pick on you alot after that just use your head to decide if its better to fight or flee...

Street fighting thier are no rules so its fare game to do just about anyting you want...I must tell you never and i mean never pull out a wepon knife gun screwdriver ect becouse this will get you in alot of trouble and maybe even dead as people will come back to you if you decide to do this and wepons are for ******* that cant fight and are scared to take a beating...

The tips i can tell you are these...Always keep cool and dont lose control as a wild fighter is easy to beat...Stay outside his punch range and wait for him to come in and then you can counter his punch with one of your own...always keep your hands up and block your face at all times..the jaw or nose is the weakist part of the face and will drop someone quickly if you get a good strong hit thier...most people dont look for kicks in a fight so try and use your legs and pratice some kicking as your legs are stronger then your arms and will hurt alot more step aside for a counter when he comes in and kick him in the stomach as hard as you can that will end a fight almost instatly...just be safe and use your head in a fight and think ahead and use good judgement...

Any tips on street fighting?
Dont do it, you're likely to end up hurt or in jail. Otherwise, protect your head and jaw, watch out for weapons, and try to have someone watching your back.
Reply:Don't do it, your asking for trouble, and a reputation you probably do not want to have.
Reply:you watch to much damn tv.
Reply:No rules. You can do anything. Keep in mind that the opponent does not have to follow any rules either.
Reply:Talk it out! violence isn't the answer...but if you must fight protect your face and jaw and your temples. Also aim for the nose, this will make the eyes of your opponent's eyes water. this is an opportunity for a take down or will end the fight. Be careful of weapons and the jump...have friends watch your back.
Reply:first, I must tell you don't do it, it can be very dangerous if you don't know how you have to do it!

but if you want to do it:

1.Crate a big group for supporting yourself. you can choose between your friends. and then make a group from area's GANGS.

2.You should have good weapons, weapons will help you in fighting. do it with a knife, baseball bat,.....

3.You must fight when it still so dark 'cos police can never find you after the battle and you a good Chase to run out of the area.
Reply:You have enough people telling you not to do it but sometimes its unavoidable. Depending if its legal where you live, carry a small knife on your person-this will prevent many fights and will give you a huge advantage. It could also esalate things though.

The actual fight:

1. Motive and adrenaline are key-to win a fight you have to want to kill them but then always stop at the appropriate time.

Raw tenacity is even more important if the fight makes it to the ground.

2. don't flail around like those jackasses on youtube, anyone who knows how to fight would put a wild swinger out.

3. Never underestimate kicking. A good kick to the knee or groin is great. One thing i do is I kick with my right to the outside of thier knee once and then I telegraph that Im about to do it again but instead make it a fake and punch their face with your right. Its actually a pretty easy to land a good punch.

4. Use combos and string together punches. Add fakes and keep moving.

5. Know that each fight is completely unpredictable and all plans go out the window. Dont ever think in a fight you have to let your body do the thinking.

6. Have friends that will back you up.

Question about street fighting?

Lets say you and some guy start beating the **** outta eachother on a sidewalk , (You both are MMA trained both just trying to flex nuts) and cops comes and breaks you 2 up. And both of you say you are good friends , and where just training , and having a good time (when you really hate each others guts) Can they do anything besides maybe disturbing the piece?

Question about street fighting?
ime a copper and im'e watching you laddie. if neither side want to press charges then its just possibly affray and public disorder.
Reply:Disorderly conduct
Reply:There are a few charges they can throw at you, like disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, public displays of violence, etc...
Reply:As long as you win, why worry?
Reply:not really

Is street fighting a martial art?

Street Fighting is a situation of combat! Martial Art is a Discipline to train to Neutralize that situation and help you take advantage of the fight! So no it's not considered a marital art because there is no discipline for it! But they can't exist with out each other! Let's say one man was punching another man! People will classify it as boxing style! If one is grabbing the other then it will be classified as wrestling! Marital arts prepare you for a street fight and A Street fight will have techniques which will be considered a form of marital art! One cant live with out the other! Good Question!

Is street fighting a martial art?
self preservation is a martial art and that would most likely be classified self defense
Reply:Street Fighting is more animal instinct rather then human intervention. So I'd say no.
Reply:I consider martial arts defending yourself and if you use a newspaper or an umbrella to defend yourself hell whatever works! There is alot of martial artist who wouldnt last with a good street fighter, all those pre rehearsed exercises dont mean ****! You have to be put in real situations to see how you would do, you could do great in class but when push comes to shove can you handle it? when your adrenaline is making your body shake how will you react? You have to be put in realistic situations, will the fear make you stronger or weaker? There is a huge difference between your life and getting your next belt, never underestimate your opponnent.
Reply:well martial arts came out of china during the period when weapons and fighting were prohibited under martial rule or as known today martial law the only ones allowed weapons were the to answer your question street fighting is prohibited therefore it classed as martial but there are no routines or patterns so there's no art therefore its not a martial art
Reply:no anyone can street fight but martial arts takes training dedication and dicsipline
Reply:if it is organized into a fighting system, yeah. Look at savet, it started as a street fighting in France and later on became a system of fighting.
Reply:The answer is No, as an example, you may be alright at fixing cars but you are not a mechanic even though you might be better at it than some mechanics out there

I think street fighting could be a martial art if you look at it as a way to learn how to fight by pure experience alone, then you basicaly would be creating your own art, but if you just go out and fight and dont really learn then its not a martial art

to be fair, many systems were created by people that had experience in battle, duels, or just lived in the 'hood
Reply:It can be yes, but without proper training to defend against organized arts then you will definately not have a good record. Look at tank abbot. Once the game developed into MMA and not bare knuckle brawling, he started losing a lot. Even to wrestlers who were striking him.

You can be a streetfighter in MMA, but you better come into the game with an open mind and train for fights not just think you're gonna punch your opponent and they'll go down because you're the baddest guy on your block.
Reply:No, there is no such thing as street fighting, there is fighting for your life (also self defense), and there are sport fighting matches. I have yet to see someone fight a street. People use the term streetfight to describe any actual fight that does not involve rules. The term is incorrect however. If you fight in a house, is it housefighting ? If you fight in a store, is it storefighting ? See what I mean. Many people don't even realize the difference between a fight, and self defense. A fight is between two or more willing combatants, self defense is about self preservation. Although martial arts may be used in a fight, there is no martial art called street fighting.

What is the fighting / street fighting that I think started in France called?

It was featured in the French film District (B) 13 and it's also been on Top Gear. There is a film about it called the urban ninja. Does anyone know what it's actually called?

What is the fighting / street fighting that I think started in France called?
Yup. Savate.
Reply:C'est le Savate! )It's Savate!)
Reply:La street fighting ?
Reply:The French Martial Art is called Savate.

I don't know if that's what you're looking for.

Street fighting techniques do not follow a style
Reply:Probably savate.

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What is the best martial arts form for street fighting?

I basically need to learn something that is not hard to learn and very effective. I have heard of krav maga before, but there are not too many places that teach you. Also heard of jiu-jitsu before, but it seems to be a lot of ground fighting and might take time to learn. And if you do advise me on something, could you also let me know how I can find a good training center for it?

What is the best martial arts form for street fighting?
Krav Maga is more for self-defence, but designed so if you cant just defend yourself, you can also take a powerful offence to turn the fight quickly. It's very good for street fights, but like you said, finding a place that trains it isnt easy. I know Muay Thai, a bit of pankration and some Krav Maga. Muay Thai will work well for a standup fight as long as you adjust yourself for a street fight and ignore rules. Pankration wouldn't work well cuz most is on ground and scince in most street fight, ppl wont be familiar with ground righting, so they wont let the fight get to the ground.
Reply:in my humble opinion, the martial arts style that you can train the fastest for real world application (street fighting) is Muay Thai.

Not to discount other styles, but this one will have you fighting in the real world with confidence much faster than kung fu, jiu jitsu, taekwondo, aikido, kempo, etc...

If you are interested in the most absolute style for street fighting, and are willing to put years into training before being able to apply it effectively in a real fight, Wing Chun is best.
Reply:howdy all i really dont answer these questions.... i t hink this is the second one i have ever answered but heres my thoughts ( i have been studying martial arts for over twenty years earning black in aikijutsu... under professor varlens from new york, a black in kendo under professor anger reyes, a black belt in philipinno stick figjhting, a black in tang so do, a black in judo and have studied mma for the last three yaars or so..... i personally feel that the only way one is going to traing for the streets is in a style which allows you to train for all three phases of combat... any body who has watched the ufc and others already know these but for those who might not be familiar.... theres striking, clinch and grappling phases of combat.... i think krav maga is pretty worthy however i was in the military for fourteen years so i feel that i have already learned what krav maga has to offer.... i feel that most traditional styles out there just cant keep up with the final conclusion of what most street fighters have known for years... if a person has a reputation for being a great stand up fighter then take him to the ground if a person is a known wrestler then stand up and strike and if confused then clinch throw and run as fast as you can away form the altercation which is the samrtest thing to do on the streets in the first place.... so after having given the above lenghty explanation i will conclude by stating that i think for a hands on approacho on how to best prep for street fighitng one should take what has tyrpicall become known as mma


justin ekback
Reply:Silat, IMO but its hard to find and also hard to find a good instructor.
Reply:My advice to you would be to learn how to box, easy to learn and also teaches you good defence, I would say boxing is the best for street fighting as it it simple and alomst all street fights are fist fights.
Reply:for street fighting muay thai is best.....muay thai is the most brutal art which were made to kill in early days...if u train muay thai u can find change in yr fighting skill after few month..krav maga is also ok for street fighting but if u learn krav maga then u cant fight against any martial artist on street..krav maga teached u some dirty tricks like kicking the balls ,stricking on eyes ..i dont think tat some one need to learn how to kick balls ...the thing u need to train for street is powerfull and fast strikes ....and tats wat muay thai is all muay thai u can also learn how to strike with knees and elbows...someone will get killed with proper muay thain knees and elbows..for more details check

check all the gallery of this site and u will get shocked when u will see their kcking n punching style...hope this will help u..
Reply:Kyokushin karate or any of its offshoots is a great art for street and is not hard to learn
Reply:Kra Maga and Filipino Kali. You can turn everyday objects like pen, stick etc into effective weapons. You are also more aware of weapons that your assailant/s might carry.

Or you can take up running for self defense and use any form of MA as back up.
Reply:Ground work is essential to a well rounded self defense knowledge.Dont get involved with any dojo that doesn't teach you what to do if both of you end up on the ground which can happen by accident as well as by design.

Also avoid dojo where most if not all is ground work .If you can end it quickly with a kick or punch so much the better for you.
Reply:Style does not matter. The factors that matter are quality and frequency of training. If you do not practice your art daily it WILL fail you in an emergency situation.

Look for a good school, not a good style.

Never sign a contract and never pay for rank testing.

Check out all the schools in your area. Try free classes. Ask to observe their contact drills and sparring.

Choose a school that is clean with respectful people.

Good Luck!
Reply:Go boxing in muay-thai all the way. In some cases you're gonna have to go with wrestling just to take them down if they're bigger.
Reply:Krav Maga. Where are you located? Check out and find a location close to you.. I see MT quite a bit, but what happens when they break out a knife, gun, stick? MT has no answers, and you learn rules in MT.. Go with a strictly self defense system.. No rules, groin shots, eye gouges, fish hooks, everything to win and cause as much pain to the person who attacked you. BJJ is good, but what happens if you are attacked by 2 or more people?
Reply:The simplest answer is this: the best martial art form for street fighting is one that works with your body type and has techniques that you can remember and use. I'm not trying to be flippant here it's just that it boils down to a few things - namely the practitioner, the instructor and the focus on self-defense. Other than that I would venture to say that most martial arts sprang from a need to defend oneself and there really isn't a best overall art. Of course, all of the preceding is merely my opinion. (I'm a 4th dan in taekwondo and a 2nd dan in hapmoosakido for the record.)
Reply:Krava Maga hands down.

Easy to learn, no BS, works for men and woman of any shape %26amp; size.

Krav isn't a sport - its a fighting system. No rings, no gloves, no rules. Eye gouges, groin kicks, throat smashes, limb destruction, knee breaks, arm breaks, no mercy.

Address the threat, apply combatives and disable the attacker as quickly as posiable.

In Krav, defense is moving forward.

At our school we train for defense against guns, knives, bats, shotguns. With knives, we will use shock knives - a knife that has a low power stun gun in it. You REALLY try not to get cut when someone attacks you with that.

We practice in the ally behind the school so we understand how to fight in close quarters and almost always practice defending against multiple attackers.

Good stuff!
Reply:A martial arts style that emphasizes ground fighting techniques should be a person's primary consideration since most street fights wind up on the ground.Brazilian Ju-Jitsu has been shown to be very effective since its emphasis is on practical offensive and defensive techniques to defeat larger and stronger opponents.

A martial arts style that would be an effective complement with Brazilian Ju-Jitsu is Muay Thai.The martial arts style of Muay Thai is very effective and brutal in a street fight which does not go to the ground (although most street fights wind up on the ground) because your opponent would have to guard against being punched,kicked,elbowed,or kneed which is all part of Muay Thai's deadly arsenal.

Bottom line: If you are serious about learning martial arts to defend yourself in a street fight,learn Brazilian Ju-Jitsu as your 'primary' style then complement it with Muay Thai.Mastery of these two martial arts style will make you an extremely tough person to defeat in a street fight.

Judo or Krav Maga for street fighting?

Hi, I am undecided to which one to choose although I favor Judo. The reason: I studied hapkido and think its a bit useless for fighting at bars/clubs, the reason is that it has so many movements that you don't remember, other useless stuff such as show jumps, and finally hard to perform kicks that require daily stretching to make them work.

So a friend of mine who studied Judo seems to remember all the moves after 20 years, and I notice that since there are no kicks in judo, basically you can always apply what you learned effectively, plus nobody expects you to throw them to the ground, they are always expecting punches and stuff.

On the other hand krav maga is made for real situations, however I have seen videos and they focus to much on disarming the enemy, I would never fight a thief armed with a knife or gun, its just plain stupid. I like the fact that they are supposed to train with realism,.

Judo or Krav Maga for street fighting?
Krav Maga
Reply:hey well it depends Krav Maga will teach you alot quickly as well as some really effective stuff but if you are looking for the long term probably go with Judo. I would recommend trying out both the schools for a week or 2 because you might find you really don't like one of the schools or instructors which will make you decision easier. So really it comes down to personality. I'll also add krav maga is a lot more brutal and more break the guys arm so he can't get you while judo will teach you to just hold them down with less physical damage unless you decide to break their elbow once you have them in an armbar.
Reply:Judo but only if you intend to compete.

I can do high side kicks without stretching and lift my foot up to chest level without momentum (front and side) even though I'm not very flexible at all. The only stretching I do is knuckles to the ground. I just have a lot of strength and endurance in my hip muscles. Kicks are good for self-defense but they are very slow for beginners. I was doing competitive swimming since I was 12 so when I joined TKD and MT at 18 yrs old I was already kicking harder than the black belts though not with as much precision or height.

A good hard low kick can stop a fight, create and opening, or knock someone off balance so that any punch they throw will not have power.
Reply:Krav Maga!
Reply:Use whatever works man. Don't worry about fixed "Styles". Instead, worry about YOUR OWN expression of combat. Let your own individual art have all ranges of combat. Just because your MA instructor's way of combat doesn't include all the ranges, that doesn't mean that your way of combat has to lack too. Just because Judo training doesn't include strikes or kicks, why should that stop you from using them on the streets? Just ask yourself why.

Hell, take both Krav Maga and Judo if you want, and use the techniques that work the best for you. From the techniques of these two arts, you can create your own foundation of techniques and strategies. Being as you would have a base, you can then later on learn other techniques at random and modify them for your personal needs and the actual combat situation. That is the key.

To put it in easier terms and for an example, if you take Judo and fight the exact same way that your sensai taught you, you are faling as a true martial artist because you are fighting in a fixed manner that is actually tailored for someone else. It is not your own unique expression. Plus fixed patterns means that you can't flow in actual combat.

EDIT - This is not really pertaining to the whole point of your question, but I did notice a flaw in a certain part that you mentioned......You said that you took Hapkido and you said "IT'S" a bit useless for fighting at bars/clubs. You have to remember that the martial art itself doesn't fight. It's the artist. Hapkido in, let me rephrase that....Martial arts in themselves are lifeless. They are concepts and not objects that make you fight in a certain fixed way. I don't know why so many people think that martial arts themselves do the fighting.

It all depends on how you apply your other words, how you express your art. If I were you, I would have continued to learn Hapkido. If the instructor taught techniques that were useless, that doesn't mean that you had to use them. You can just toss them to the side or either modify them.
Reply:Judo is very good and training in a striking art like Kenpo Karate or Muy Thai is "Excellent".

Consider combining arts for a "complete defense system"
Reply:for real situation muay thai is best ..on street fight its really difficult to beat muay thai .....but if u have only two option judo and krav maga then go for krav maga coz it will teach u how to fight on street threats...u also mentioned tat u wanna fight in night clubs so if u will learn judo then tats gonna b useless in night club

Documentary on dog street fighting?

i'm doing a documentary based on the harsh reality of illegal dog fighting pits and i already have lots of information on it but cannot find any videos or documentaries.

Documentary on dog street fighting?
You can't find any videos because it's an illegal practice and anyone dumb enough to videotape themselves commiting that horrid crime is retarded. Your best bet would be to videotape it going on, get into the ins of the dogfighting world, without the others knowing you're taping it that is, and those will be your videos. However, I have to tell you, it'll be hard not to kick every person's *** there and save those beautiful dogs while you're there, but by taping it, you'll be doing wonders for them by spreading the word...
Reply:There is a documentary called "Off the Chain."

Tips in street fighting?

what are some advices in fighting

Tips in street fighting?
Always protect your face. as I've heard, "the eyes are the groin of the head." You will want to make sure to snap your hits, don't leave anything out there to be grabbed by the oponent. approach facing sideways instead of head on to provide a smaller target area. also, It's just as important to defend well as to strike well.
Reply:go crazy!!!!!
Reply:Always stay standing and never turn your back or keep your eye off the other person.
Reply:be steady and strong because just one good punch to the face can end it right there. and keep eye contact, that intimidates the other person and shows them that your not afraid of them.
Reply:Don't do it, it's a crap shoot. Anything can happen and everthing can go wrong. If you find yourself backed in a corner however, work towards your strong points. If you are taller and longer keep them at bay with stiff straight punches, if you are smaller and faster work inside and throw hooks and upercuts. If you are a scrapper, take them down and wrestle them to a submissive point. Most important, end it as quick as you can. If that means allowing them an out, go ahead and let them out. Say stuff like, "Come on, this is ridiculous" or "Why are we beating the hell out of eachother". Sometimes a person is real tough till they get hit in the face and then they realize this isn't everything they thought it would be. A real fighter, a true fighter has no problem talking his way out of a fight, becuase they have nothing to prove.
Reply:ok all the answear you got are complete bull the first thing you need is alot of stamina because there are no rounds just one big brawl you need skills and physical strenght if its a 2 or more on one never take it to the ground keep on your feet because i the 2 people will ALL grab you if u grab them. you need to stay fit all ways exersize like push ups sit ups jump rope jog heavy bag speed bag weights and diet good eat healthy get good sleep all ways keep an eye on ever one and keep it cool dont start going crazy and pay attention and if its like a 5 on 5 if one of ur guys is pined help him up and theyl do the same and never show weakness and dont wear hoodys they get in your way of vison
Reply:Hit em' in the balls bro. It'd shut me up
Reply:Avoid it like the plague.

Really mate, you prove nothing. I despise people who fight in the street - they try to prove theyve got a bit about them.. all they prove to me is they couldnt punch their way out of a wet paper bag and they had the hero juice in the morning.

Now, you prob think im some sort of make love not war hippy.. but my friend, im actually a boxer. If you reckon you like fighting.. get to a boxing gym.. and mark my words, nothing in your life you ever do will be as hard as stepping through those ropes.

Read the posts mate.. the people who have replied are mugs. They havent been in a fight, or if they have.. theyre just like you. They dont have a f*cking clue what theyre doing. You might not take my advice.. you might decide you dont need a boxing gym.. but please dont take anyone elses.. youll end up with a broken jaw.

MMA and Street Fighting?

(This is for people who train for MMA style competition.)

How often to you train for self defence. Eg. defences against multiple opponents, grabs, weapon attacks etc. Fighting and Training Methods for Unarmed Martial Artists

MMA and Street Fighting?
Quite a lot I have 2 grading systems, one for competition and for those who hate sparring one for self defense. It includes weapons defenses, multiple attackers amongst other factors.
Reply:Many people train each day around 2 hours. Then after that when sparring they have two factors (offense) and (defense) then each has many different parts including weapon,self-defense, avoidability and many more. So basically i do probably around 2 hours start ups then offense for 3 hours then self-defense for 2. So then balances out so i don't get many pain.
Reply:Not much, if ever.

Multiple opponents means I'm screwed. I'd just whip out my weapon and go down fighting... or better yet, escape!

Grabs... are you kidding me? Submission grappling is all about...well grappling. You generally learn how to escape holds from that.

I used to do some weapons training, but I'm far from competent in that. Similar to the multiple opponent situation, I'd pull a weapon or better yet... run.

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Popular Street fighting Question!?

Which one is more better/advantage in street? (your personal opinion or experience)

Normal strong punching like muay thai, taekwondo etc


Many %26amp; really fast punching combos like kenpo,wingchun, boxing styles etc..

because in my experience I find it really difficult handling and defending myself from people who just use many quick crazy pressure pointing punching combos ..

so how can I block them or defend them?

Popular Street fighting Question!?
Hey I A,

Braggarts and egotistical people don't do well in Karate (it also makes People POed) that's why you have been getting so many thumbs down.
Reply:I'd always choose to use speed rather then harder hits.

In a street fight it's about doing more damage then you take, no one attacks while getting pummeled with punches. Attack first (once a true threat has been identified of course) and attack fast. If you use harder strikes as well, use one to a soft area like the temple or throat to start the flurry of weaker fast hits.
Reply:Hmm... how about both? Muay Thai and boxing have fast and very hard punches. If you think it's difficult to defend yourself from people who throw many quick crazy punches, then try to defend yourself when you feel like you're about to puking your guts out from a hard body punch.

Obiviously you don't know a thing about fighting and you shouldn't be getting in a fight. Nothing wrong with not being able to fight, just live your life and do something noble such as become a doctor, teacher, or whatever and you'll be respect.
Reply:everyone is different. check out the way that suits you.

If you cannot finish the fight in 1 minute, you better run
Reply:explosive punching like in boxing (which you mentioned as "quick") IS hard.

I would rather have hard and EFFICIENT punching.

if you would let the guy hit you with multiple quick but weak punches/bit ch slaps without covering up then you got problems.

if there is no power there is more risk to a counter punch when you are open (throwing) as you haven't thrown enough force in to momentarily jar the person so you can follow up.
Reply:Not getting into the fight is the best defense.

There are no winners in a streetfight; anyone seeking to get into streetfighting is already a few bricks shy a load.

The streets are a really bad place to find out that your double dragon dim mak doesn't stop a shotgun blast. The outcomes of seeking to be a streetfighter are injury, hospitalization, incarceration and death (sounds like a silly occupation to voluntarily get into don't it?).
Reply:You is not serious are you? I think you are going to get your but kicked!!!!!! For heavens sake, take some self defense courses or something.
Reply:There is a reason for the saying "speed kills".... And few fights end from a one shot KO. Most are the result of combos.
Reply:it doesnt matter how fast or strong your punching or kicking techniques are in the streets. Its your mind that you have to work on, dont put yourself in that situation in the first place.

but say if you were attacked from combos, you could try and grapple them.
Reply:I was in numerous street fights back in the day and always took them down first. Then ground and pound. I have never lost.
Reply:charge yourself into the attack. the opponent has determined your range and is expecting you to retreat so will keep the momentum and advancing going. when you break through this range into them and attack you take their advantage.

it isnt that simple, but you need to stop pulling away, and start pushing in. the person advancing has the advantage. punching in retreat doesnt help your cause.

attack the attacker. you may get hit going in, but you will get hit trying to avoid as well. so you may as well get aggressive
Reply:More importantly grasshopper...

Why fight at all? I am a Third Degree BB in TKD. I am qualified and teach 6 different Martials Arts. The best Martial Art is in your brain, using the best technique for the situation at hand. If that does not help, run....