Sunday, April 26, 2009

Is street fighting a martial art?

Street Fighting is a situation of combat! Martial Art is a Discipline to train to Neutralize that situation and help you take advantage of the fight! So no it's not considered a marital art because there is no discipline for it! But they can't exist with out each other! Let's say one man was punching another man! People will classify it as boxing style! If one is grabbing the other then it will be classified as wrestling! Marital arts prepare you for a street fight and A Street fight will have techniques which will be considered a form of marital art! One cant live with out the other! Good Question!

Is street fighting a martial art?
self preservation is a martial art and that would most likely be classified self defense
Reply:Street Fighting is more animal instinct rather then human intervention. So I'd say no.
Reply:I consider martial arts defending yourself and if you use a newspaper or an umbrella to defend yourself hell whatever works! There is alot of martial artist who wouldnt last with a good street fighter, all those pre rehearsed exercises dont mean ****! You have to be put in real situations to see how you would do, you could do great in class but when push comes to shove can you handle it? when your adrenaline is making your body shake how will you react? You have to be put in realistic situations, will the fear make you stronger or weaker? There is a huge difference between your life and getting your next belt, never underestimate your opponnent.
Reply:well martial arts came out of china during the period when weapons and fighting were prohibited under martial rule or as known today martial law the only ones allowed weapons were the to answer your question street fighting is prohibited therefore it classed as martial but there are no routines or patterns so there's no art therefore its not a martial art
Reply:no anyone can street fight but martial arts takes training dedication and dicsipline
Reply:if it is organized into a fighting system, yeah. Look at savet, it started as a street fighting in France and later on became a system of fighting.
Reply:The answer is No, as an example, you may be alright at fixing cars but you are not a mechanic even though you might be better at it than some mechanics out there

I think street fighting could be a martial art if you look at it as a way to learn how to fight by pure experience alone, then you basicaly would be creating your own art, but if you just go out and fight and dont really learn then its not a martial art

to be fair, many systems were created by people that had experience in battle, duels, or just lived in the 'hood
Reply:It can be yes, but without proper training to defend against organized arts then you will definately not have a good record. Look at tank abbot. Once the game developed into MMA and not bare knuckle brawling, he started losing a lot. Even to wrestlers who were striking him.

You can be a streetfighter in MMA, but you better come into the game with an open mind and train for fights not just think you're gonna punch your opponent and they'll go down because you're the baddest guy on your block.
Reply:No, there is no such thing as street fighting, there is fighting for your life (also self defense), and there are sport fighting matches. I have yet to see someone fight a street. People use the term streetfight to describe any actual fight that does not involve rules. The term is incorrect however. If you fight in a house, is it housefighting ? If you fight in a store, is it storefighting ? See what I mean. Many people don't even realize the difference between a fight, and self defense. A fight is between two or more willing combatants, self defense is about self preservation. Although martial arts may be used in a fight, there is no martial art called street fighting.

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