Monday, May 17, 2010

Who would win in a street fight? AL Pacino or Robert DeNiro?

robert deniro would stomp on al pacino's face and burry lim in the desert.

Who would win in a street fight? AL Pacino or Robert DeNiro?
DeNiro, but Pacino is cooler.
Reply:Al Pacino..hands down.
Reply:scarface would beat vito corleone
Reply:Lets look at this two ways, first in real-life mode Pacino has a big mouth but DeNiro is big with longer arms he would beat Pacino "Any Given Sunday" if you know what I mean. Second in Character mode Pacino the gun slinging drug dealer and user in a street fight against DeNiro a muscle man of the Italian mob in Goodfellas who during the film was mostly kicking butt in street fights would win hands down.
Reply:DeNiro of course, i know Pacino was Scarface (and he got killed by the way) but common, take a look at Taxi Driver or Cape Fear, DeNiro is just badass

Baby Teeth

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