Monday, May 17, 2010

Who would win in a street fight chuck norris,hello kitty,the rock,or hulk hogan?

Hello Kitty.

There was some question about HK and there was lots of bashing so HK probably has trust issues at this point and just goes postal.

Game Over.

Who would win in a street fight chuck norris,hello kitty,the rock,or hulk hogan?
chuck for sure
Reply:CHUCK NORRIS..he would skin that
Reply:psh! HELLO KITTYYY!!
Reply:Chuck Norris.

I think he could even whoop the gladiator.
Reply:chuck norris
Reply:Chuck Norris
Reply:hello kitty would kill them with kindness
Reply:hello kitty duh! with her kung few kitty bich slap action !!
Reply:hello kitty! duh! she pink is soooo freaking hardcore!!!!!

-emperor penguin
Reply:My vote is for Chuck Norris.
Reply:Chuck Norris..Duh! He works out on the Total Gym don't ya know!!
Reply:Chuck Norris would destroy them all!!!
Reply:Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the world down!

dress shoes

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