Monday, November 16, 2009

In a street fight ...?

What would your weapon of choice be?

In a street fight ...?
A fire thrower.
Reply:A steamroller
Reply:Brass knuckles.
Reply:My hands
Reply:A baseball bat and a pocket knife
Reply:Broken Bottle
Reply:my WAND! duh! hahaha
Reply:A knife or a foot long peice of chain..
Reply:my fierce words
Reply:tazor (taiser) Yikes! sorry about spelling!
Reply:I guess the best ones are your sneakers to kick them with. Reach is probably your strongest asset if you lack strength. Good luck
Reply:My fist
Reply:Depends what handy - pick axe handles are always good, a weighted baseball bat, chains, broken bottles, knives, steel cap boots, ...... these are what come to mind first.....why do you wanna know?
Reply:Garbage Can Lid and a Broken Broom (my makeshift sword and shield)

Reply:a baseball bat...I'm not me!
Reply:A spork. It combines the raw power of the spoon with the flexibility of a fork.
Reply:My steel-toed boots %26amp; my fists are all I need!
Reply:About 60 cops in riot gear! Yeah, bet that! =)
Reply:my ray-gun..and i have a ''big'' ray-gun...zap...boom...pow...they're mush...
Reply:i would have to go with either a steel folding chair or my trusty new retractable kendo stick.
Reply:ps3 game joystick

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