Saturday, November 14, 2009

The New York Yankess vs. DX in a REAL street fight...who would win?

The Yankess are the best team money can buy...and the best team in basball......ever!

DX has won a few matches, and those low life's....CHEAT. They are horrible examples for our youth to follow. They even CUSS!

I think the Yankees would destroy DX. But they wouldn't need a sledgehammer, and lower themselves to Dx's level.

They would use old fashioned bats to beat up DX.

Who would win in a real street fight situation?

The New York Yankess vs. DX in a REAL street fight...who would win?
The Yankees would destroy DX.

Go Yankees!!!
Reply:dx of couse
Reply:one on one maybe DX. But the whole team!!!! DX is waiting for an *** stomp
Reply:Anthony! Where in God's Name?! Do you come up with these questions? I try to put a little thought into mine to spice things up and get things started.... but this man is out of left field, over the bleachers and straight out of no where..... DUDE!

Yanks of course
Reply:well obviously the new york yankees because they would out number dx and they have bats
Reply:So are you going to tell me that the match is going to be handicapp 40 against 2. Are you crazy? If you take A-Rod and Randy Johnson vs the DX then the DX would win.

By the way, I am not a Yankees fan I am a Mariners fan.
Reply:yankees will make dx taste their own actual blood since the fight is real and shawn michaels sucks
Reply:LOL! You ask the most fun questions! I think the Yanks would slaughter them.
Reply:DX is the best man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡ARE YOU READY?!!!!!!!!
Reply:my guess is DX if they fought you who would win. hint; not you.

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