Saturday, November 14, 2009

Isn't it almost certain that if "Hill Street Blues" was broadcast in Iraq, there would be no more fighting

you bet ye, they all be glued to the tube and wonder what is going on .

Isn't it almost certain that if "Hill Street Blues" was broadcast in Iraq, there would be no more fighting
Now!....... Come on Brad...... Envision at least a few hundred of Hill Street, with Furillo and his mistress Veronica in the last scene????? Fundamentalists next to the cross dressing Judge.-....... Do I need to dish out a few more... No I take the one and only that wishes us all a safe day on a dangerous street. I know your Question in this matter launched straight from your Caring and Peace full heart. so I say to you, the Role Call Sergeants Prayer and Well wisher, as self employed spokesperson for that, which has no voice in, on, to, fro, beneath and beyond WEB:`` Hey...... Let´s Be Care full Out There.!!!`` We are One Nation here in WEBCOMMUNICADO so this one works for ALl of us connecting.

You and I can agree to this:`´White Feather Windsurfing in the Dark.´But realist as I am I deem it not very likely, what I perceive as a physical sting. Heartbreaking, that civilians oversees fall victim to a War that started out from different Nations 66 years ago. The War to Build the Only Welfare State we not all want to be involved in. Because No Country In the World has the agenda, to Build their own Country, to Take over the Name of a (CONSENSUS GLOBALLY) Planet:: Namely EARTH. Other word WORLD.... Russia gave up, China chuckles, England frowns, in Netherlands, we smoke a joint and call it insane and roll over in a laughing cramp, even though we feel sorry as appropriate when we visit the Asylum for the genocidal Insane, American Stile. Our Royals are worried, good news travels fast, their worst Nightmare did in fact come true. ME!!!!!!! They need not worry, I am Free Funny and Radical. Actually quite Wise for a (nattering) Star with this Talent for Jokes anecdotes, and accumulating Life every moment by moment.. Victims of my words, launched by my alias Lady Alma, and function Guardian to the Holy Grail, which covers a lot of scientific areas as well as overseeing (2007) the Crime of Centuries, since news coverage began:'Subliminal Programming of Everybody´s Viewpoint to escape through Time through Genocide upon Genocide. Documented very thoroughly, by al Nations in News about War on the Screen, where as Child Sacrifice counts as Sexually Satisfying in all Nations is behind a conveniently cheap decoder, so everybody stands accused. Nature is the only Call Nation on the Role of Consensus Court-wise, America, you´ll never be Blue and White.

Brad, my apologies, but I am not prepared to take a word back, from what technically should be the Source to an Energy surge..... coming from free interpreted factual data, underlying facts to help them, build an even more cruel World, for the Children of Tomorrow. So they will Kill!!!I Kill!!!! Kill!!!!

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