Monday, November 16, 2009

Street Fight: T.O(Da reel 81!) or Randy Moss?

Your thoughts?

Street Fight: T.O(Da reel 81!) or Randy Moss?
Reply:Terrell Owens hands down, but he was crying about 'his quarterback' the other day. He's a sensitive, yet strong man haha
Reply:It will be a tie both will die.
Reply:i say randy moss because his breathe stinks give that man a tictac please!!
Reply:Randy all the way T.O. sucks
Reply:randy moss
Reply:Moss, what T.O? da reel 81? please more like the real cry baby.

Easy question to get two points.

Moss all the way.

Go pats.
Reply:Randy Moss would kick TO's a*s...
Reply:You can tell that Moss has a bit of gangster in him....

T.O. well he really seems pretty soft.

Moss would win easily using tactics that might be considered dirty...but in a street fight..can anything really be considered dirty?

TO might bring a knife to a gun fight....
Reply:T.O. is much stronger than moss

moss is weak when he gets hit T.O. could take it unlike moss

T.O. is sensetive but randy moss will get still his @ss kicked by T.O.

Reply:the super freak would kick T.O.'s butt
Reply:randy Moss. to will Cry like he always does
Reply:Going by size, strength and muscle tone T.O. mops the floor with Moss.
Reply:randy moss. he would get in his car and run over t.o. like that meter maid in minneapolis.
Reply:All Randy Moss would have to do is talk about Romo and Simpson and T.O. would start crying and then Moss can destroy his world.
Reply:This question brings w/ it alot of humor. I think if it were a fight TO would rip Moss's arms off. Yes we did all see TO crying LOL and randy moss bitchin about hitting a woman. I have to give it to TO because he hasnt lowered himself to assault on ladies, maybe moss is just to skinny.
Reply:T.O would **** that retarded stick insect up!!!

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